2016: Part 2

Just click the links below:
James O'Keefe Uncovers Massive Potential Political Money Laundering to Democrat Campaigns
A Church. The State. And a Holy War - a truly beyond belief story of how Covid turned us into 1984
Biden requests billions to advance gender agenda worldwide
A Covid Reckoning in the United Kingdom - and this is from the UK. What would our US leaders private messages show?
"Yes, it's an experiment" - Norway joins the shift to caution on gender medicine
Is Tucker Carlson Wrong to Describe the Capitol Riot as Mostly Peaceful? - A very good, middle-ish look at the infamous Jan 6th
MN Gun Owners Caucus press release on 4 gun control bills
Freespoke Search Engine - aside from being a much more balanced search engine, it's also an amazing source of news from all sides (specifically noted) and stories that are being censored.
Hoover Institution's profile of Thomas Sowell
Lisa Selin Davis - a life long liberal sounding the alarm on the child trans issue
Why I'm Resigning My Membership to WNYC - a concise take on how the Left and Media have ignored facts and reality surrounding the child transitioning madness
Victor Davis Hanson -
The Price of Eliminating Consequences
Life Among the Ruins - Amazing take on current American society
The Ukraine's War Prelude to What?
The Toxic Racialist Obsessions of Joe Biden
Destroying Meritocracy is Deadly
Michael Shellenberger -
How Bad Is It? Trump, Rogan and the end of America
Why Woke Nihilism Destroyed California
Video - Biden is Failing the World
Why a Shocking Number of Crazy-Sounding Right-Wing Conspiracy Theories Turned Out to be True
In The Birth of Black Panthers, Black Leaders Battle Anti-Police Activists
Alpha News -
Minnesota to become a sanctuary state?
Outspoken parent banned from communicating with daughter's teacher
Flanagan: Good parents 'believe' kids when they 'tell us who they are'
Center for the American Experiment -
Who's funding ranked choice voting in MN?
Minnesota's extreme stance on child sex changes draws unwanted national attention
Xcel Energy wants to charge you more to pay for electric vehicle charging stations
Democrats to ban bottled water
Tulsi Gabbard: Biden, Dems share same 'core principles' as Hitler
Libs of TikTok creator is publishing a children's book
City Journal -